Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Spelling Christ: Way to Chalcedon

Way to Chalcedon

The Chalcedonian Council which formed the two-nature Christological formula has been the most decisive Council with regard to Christology. Chalcedonia consolidated the eastern and western positions and attempted to work out a formula acceptable to most of the Churches. However, there were some Churches in the east who rejected the authority of Chalcedon for historical reasons rather than theological reasons. The Eastern Orthodox churches do not consider the Chalcedon as an ecumenical council and do not consider the formula as an adequate description of the person of Jesus Christ. For them the theological position of the Third Ecumenical Council of Ephesus and the Cyrillian formuala of Mia physis tou theou Logou sesarkomene (One incarnate nature of God the word) provided the necessarily authentic Christology. To continue to read go toSpelling Christ: Way to Chalcedon


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